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Eye Level


Initial fee: $20,000
Royalty fee: $29-36/student/subject
Total investment: $51,220 - $111,600
Term of agreement:  5 years, renewable
Branch: Supplemental education

Eye Level is an innovative approach to supplementary education. The company provides unique programs for math, reading and handwriting designed to meet the individual needs of each child. The idea behind the Eye Level concept is to customize the learning; skill assessment tests define the student’s start point and the pace of education. Children are encouraged to learn independently and to think critically in an active and fun way.


Eye Level is a daughter company of Daekyo, one of the world’s leading education companies founded in South Korea. Daekyo has had enormous success since its foundation in 1976. It introduced Eye Level in 2003 as an international brand that could be recognized worldwide.


 Eye Level owners of 1,100 learning centers in 16 countries take pride in teaching approximately 2.5 million students. Eye Level is one of the best known brands in the global supplementary education and one of the fastest growing franchises. The company plans on expanding aggressively over the next five to ten years. Franchisees can start with a single unit and expand their business or jump into multi-unit ownership. In both cases they can get territorial protection and lock a certain market. 


New franchise owners go through basic training where they learn the curriculum and the principles of the Eye Level program and how to implement them successfully. They receive study materials and ongoing trainings, as well as field and marketing support. Seminars and meetings keep franchisees up-to-date with innovations and networked with other franchisees.


The company is seeking new franchise owners in the Americas, Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 

Eye Level is a global complementary education brand. It is a subsidiary of Daekyo, a leading education company founded in South Korea. Eye Level was introduces as a brand that could be recognized worldwide. It has a well-established curriculum aligned with the US Department of Education.

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