Initial fee: | $15,000 |
Royalty fee: | 5% |
Total investment: | $191,300 - $1,101,600 |
Term of agreement: | 20 years, renewable |
Branch: | Quick-service Chicken Restaurant |
Fried chicken, boneless wings, double chicken sandwiches, honey-buttered biscuits, fried okra, jalapeno cheese poppers, corn on the cob and apple pie are on the menu at Church’s Chicken. There are options for everyone’s taste, from original recipes to the Spicier Spicy version of fried chicken.
The first Church’s Chicken restaurant opened in 1952. Back then, chicken was the only item on the menu. A few years and menu updates later, in 1967 Church’s Chicken started franchising. It is the fourth largest chicken quick service restaurant chain with nearly 1,700 restaurants worldwide. Three million customers choose the crispy chicken taste of Church’s Chicken each week.
Franchisees start with five-day comprehensive management training and continue with four-week extensive training at a restaurant that teach them all they need to learn to run a Church’s Chicken restaurant. Specialized teams help with site selection and assist with ideas for cost-effective construction or transformation of the site.
Supportive teams are available since the moment an entrepreneur decides to buy a franchise. They work together to aid with day-to-day operations, marketing, research and development, and retain strong purchasing and supply chain for cost-cutting reasons. Buying power is essential part of Church’s Chicken business model and all franchisees are required to take part in the supply chain.
Franchisees receive thorough information about new products on the menu. Professional teams train employees and provide the needed equipment when new products appear. Customers expect to find the same Church’s Chicken taste in each restaurant.
Mouth-watering menu and all-time support attract many entrepreneurs to join Church’s Chicken. Over 60% of all franchisees own more than one Church’s Chicken restaurant. The company is seeking new franchise owners worldwide.
Church’s Chicken is the fourth largest quick service chicken restaurant. Three million customers each week eat at 1,700 restaurants worldwide. The company has more than 45 years of experience in providing comprehensive franchise training and all-time support.