Initial fee: | $25,000 |
Royalty fee: | 6% |
Total investment: | $295,000 - $2,149,000 |
Term of agreement: | 20 years |
Branch: | Food /pizza, past, wings/ |
Yum! Pizza is everywhere. Literally. Franchised pizza chains command 60% of the US pizza market. Pizza Hut is one of the oldest pizza chains and the market share leader. It has more than 7,000 restaurants in US and more than 5,100 locations in 94 other countries. It is parented by Yum!, the company with the largest number of restaurants world-wide.
Although it has been franchising since 1959, Pizza Hut’s franchising started lifting up a few years ago when it changed its franchise strategy. Since then, the number of franchises has grown significantly. The focus is on international franchises, although the company has not put on hold the US market.
The selection of new franchisees is very important for the company. Investing your money and waiting on easy and fast ROI is not one of the requirements for becoming a franchise. A qualified candidate has to be experienced, passionate and result-oriented. A vision for grwth is essential since there is a minimum of two-store commitment.
Pizza Hut offers 8-10 week trainings to the company’s expenses. The trainings are organized in specified restaurant locations where franchisees can get acquainted with the procedures and day-to-day business operations. The company also provides marketing and advertising support for which franchisees pay additional fee of 2.5-3% of the monthly gross sales. Entrepreneurs receive an updated calendar with upcoming events from the marketing department.
The company does not undertake the initial investments needed to start the business. You have to finance the building facilities, start-up inventory, grand openings, etc.
If you are a person with serious intention to operate a business, Pizza Hut will grant you the opportunity to become part of an internationally recognized brand.
Pizza is America’s #1 dinner choice. Approximately 93% of Americans eat pizza at least once a month. Pizza Hut, part of the Yam! Brand, provides delicious thin-crusted pizzas with fresh, 100% real ingredients. Get all the tools and support you need to run a business with the Pizza Hut brand.